1 Geotechnical Engineering—A Historical Perspective 1
1.1 Introduction 1
1.2 Geotechnical Engineering Prior to the 18th Century 1
1.3 Preclassical Period of Soil Mechanics (1700–1776) 5
1.4 Classical Soil Mechanics—Phase I (1776–1856) 6
1.5 Classical Soil Mechanics—Phase II (1856–1910) 6
1.6 Modern Soil Mechanics (1910–1927) 7
1.7 Geotechnical Engineering after 1927 8
1.8 End of an Era 13
References 14
2 Origin of Soil and Grain Size 16
2.1 Introduction 16
2.2 Rock Cycle and the Origin of Soil 16
2.3 Rock-Forming Minerals, Rock and Rock Structures 27
2.4 Soil-Particle Size 28
2.5 Clay Minerals 30
2.6 Specific Gravity (Gs) 38
2.7 Mechanical Analysis of Soil 39
2.8 Particle-Size Distribution Curve 48
2.9 Particle Shape 55
2.10 Summary 57
Problems 57
References 63
3 Weight–Volume Relationships 64
3.1 Introduction 64
3.2 Weight–Volume Relationships 64
3.3 Relationships among Unit Weight, Void Ratio, Moisture Content,
and Specific Gravity 68
3.4 Relationships among Unit Weight, Porosity, and Moisture Content 72
3.5 Relative Density 80
3.6 Comments on emax and emin 83
3.7 Correlations between emax, emin, emax 2 emin, and Median Grain Size (D50) 85
3.8 Summary 88
Problems 88
References 94
4 Plasticity and Structure of Soil 95
4.1 Introduction 95
4.2 Liquid Limit (LL) 95
4.3 Plastic Limit (PL) 105
4.4 Plasticity Index 107
4.5 Shrinkage Limit (SL) 108
4.6 Liquidity Index and Consistency Index 113
4.7 Activity 114
4.8 Plasticity Chart 117
4.9 Soil Structure 118
4.10 Summary 123
Problems 124
References 127
5 Classification of Soil 129
5.1 Introduction 129
5.2 Textural Classification 130
5.3 Classification by Engineering Behavior 132
5.4 AASHTO Classification System 132
5.5 Unified Soil Classification System 136
5.6 Comparison between the AASHTO and Unified Systems 139
5.7 Summary 150
Problems 151
References 155
6 Soil Compaction 156
6.1 Introduction 156
6.2 Compaction—General Principles 157
6.3 Standard Proctor Test 158
6.4 Factors Affecting Compaction 162
6.5 Modified Proctor Test 165
6.6 Empirical Relationships 167
6.7 Structure of Compacted Clay Soil 177
6.8 Effect of Compaction on Cohesive Soil Properties 178
6.9 Field Compaction 181
6.10 Specifications for Field Compaction 186
6.11 Determination of Field Unit Weight of Compaction 188
6.12 Evaluation of Soils as Compaction Material 195
6.13 Special Compaction Techniques 195
6.14 Summary 204
Problems 205
References 210
7 Permeability 212
7.1 Introduction 212
7.2 Bernoulli’s Equation 212
7.3 Darcy’s Law 215
7.4 Hydraulic Conductivity 217
7.5 Laboratory Determination of Hydraulic Conductivity 218
7.6 Relationships for Hydraulic Conductivity—Granular Soil 226
7.7 Relationships for Hydraulic Conductivity—Cohesive Soils 232
7.8 Directional Variation of Permeability 238
7.9 Equivalent Hydraulic Conductivity in Stratified Soil 239
7.10 Permeability Test in the Field by Pumping from Wells 244
7.11 Permeability Test in Auger Holes 248
7.12 Hydraulic Conductivity of Compacted Clayey Soils 250
7.13 Moisture Content—Unit Weight Criteria for Clay Liner
Construction 252
7.14 Summary 253
Problems 254
References 259
8 Seepage 261
8.1 Introduction 261
8.2 Laplace’s Equation of Continuity 261
8.3 Flow Nets 263
8.4 Seepage Calculation from a Flow Net 265
8.5 Flow Nets in Anisotropic Soil 271
8.6 Mathematical Solution for Seepage 274